Mold Law 101
Episode 31 Kristina Baehr

Mold Law 101

Gain insight into navigating the complexities of poor indoor air quality litigation from a personal injury attorney as she candidly shares her family’s challenging journey through mold and the legal system. Learn about the litigation process from the plaintiff’s perspective, including the utilization of safety rules and the assessment of the value of toxin injury cases. Explore the key factors that determine the strength or weakness of a case in the context of indoor toxin exposure and discover the steps involved in building a robust legal case.

Genres / Categories: Home Focused
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What You'll Learn

  • A personal injury attorney shares her family’s journey through mold and the legal system.
  • Litigation from a plaintiff’s perspective, including safety rules and the value of toxin injury cases.
  • Determining the strength or weakness of a case and how to build a robust legal case.